BESTUM STASMUSIKK - a janitzar band with a strange behaviour
STASEN reccomend the sound of the week
! We'll meet again, from concert on 7 November 2008.
Bestum Stasmusikk - or Stasen as we also call us,
is an entertainment janitzar band in the local community Bestum in
Oslo. We are playing the most, from marches to evergreens and we do like to appear on television.
The procession on 17 May up to the Kings Castle, celebrating our Constitution is one of the largest
events of the year. The band was started in 1987 and we would like to offer you a music performance.
Stasen must have food - here in Sæby 2010. ......................... One of the Dalmatines in Sæby...........Our Model
You are visitor number:
Our mottos are:
- You call and order - we come and play.
- When did you give your aunt a janitzar band lately?
- No occasion is too little, no occasion is to big, some payments are too small.
- Out on a tour - never sour.
Ordering playing jobs
If you need some janitzar music at a special occasion - big or little - please contact:
Kjell Thygesen,
Venche Bull-hansen,
The Board of Ministers
Stasen has a board managed by The Stas-minister Kjell Thygesen, a former and continued trumpet player.
He was a member og the Kings Guard Music Band (Gardemusikken)!
However, the person who actually take care so that everything is really functioning is (as usual) The Stas-secretary
Venche Bull-Hansen, another young lady playing tenorsaxophone, and who probably cannot live without
janitzar music. She actually learned to play her saxophone when she was grown up, after an impressive rehersing period
of several years. She has been stas-secretary since 2001.